Food safety has always been a top priority for Tenuta San Giorgio. BRC and IFS certifications, among others, testify our commitment on this matter.

A whole management system aimed at the hygiene and health safety of products, promoted through the adoption of numerous internal standards, shared practices and procedures and their monitoring, to fully protect the whole chain and in particular the end users.
BRC and IFS are two key certifications for the food industry attesting the high-quality profile acquired in our working environment, implemented in our production process and applied to our products by our qualified staff.

Our products obtained the V-label certificate, which makes them suitable for vegans. It is a testimony of our care towards all consumers and the environment.
A certification of "Sustainable quality", which attests the cultivation of our grapes according to agronomic techniques that respect the environment and human health. For any communication you can contact the Osservatorio SQNPI at osservatorioSQNPI@politicheagricole.it

Another cornerstone of Tenuta San Giorgio's philosophy is the relationship with our employees; it has led us to adopt an ethical code of conduct that governs our daily work to value people to the full, as well as the territory and its resources.
We always had a strong bond with our territory: the energy needs of Tenuta San Giorgio come from renewable sources, partially self-generated and partially obtained through green certificates and guarantees of origin. We aim to reduce our impact by choosing suppliers that share our values.

Our objective for harvest 2022 is to obtain the SQNPI certification, which is released to companies that decrease the use of chemicals, enhance product safety, protect the environment and constantly improve the working condition of employees. Our Code of Conduct is a wonderful tool that leads to these best practices as well.
At Tenuta San Giorgio, we adopt a shortened supply chain and production practices that reduce the supply chain in many ways.
The entire production process, from vineyard to bottle, is integrated directly into the winery and most of our vineyards are located in the proximity of the production site. On the supply side, we are committed to favouring local partnerships always ensuring the highest quality.
But that's not all: national distribution is entrusted to selected partners who are close to us, with an area-specific competence, and a limited radius of action to the benefit of better service.